Josef Kosák - Pictures / Stanislav Kosák - Photography

| Krajský úřad Libereckého...

The exhibition celebrating the 200-year jubilee in the foyer of the regional administrative building presents the work of Josef Kosák and his son Stanislav. The exhibition is open workdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., beginning on June 1 with the grand opening.

Only a few weeks ago Josef Kosák celebrated his 80th birthday. He is a professional technical designer. He first tried his hand at drawings with charcoal, Indian ink, pastels and linocut after beginning his first job and from 1963-1965. He took part in popular competitions for young people and those who were not members of the Artists' Association, in exhibitions in Tábor and later in similar amateur shows in Most, Ústí nad Labem and Liberec. Later he only drew and painted the occasional picture and tried out some new art techniques.

Once he retired, he returned to his earlier hobby, beginning to use primarily acrylic paints. Ideas for his paintings come about rather by chance and his imagination, and he combines them to non-standard and unrealistic situation which he calls "Phantasmagories". In his most recent period, motifs with dream-like nature scenes full of wild animals, other compositions are full of flowers that attract colourful butterflies, together adding to the charm of exotic beauties. The exhibition will be supplemented by a sample of the regional journal "Na Cestu" ("On the Road"), which promotes the beauty of the Czech Republic, in which the artist has contributed articles with interesting facts from our region. The exhibition is taking place in honour of his birthday. A further part of the exhibition is dedicated to photographs by his son Stanislav.

Stanislav Kosák is 55 years old. He works as a printer. Among his hobbies are sports, nature, travelling and photography. He has participated in numerous joint exhibitions with other artists; the last exhibition of his work alone was in the Information Center of Ústí nad Labem in 2021. His photography has been published in several magazines and used in various regional publications, including in the Liberec Region.

Josefa Kosák's second son, Jan Kosák, and his band Dixieband Liberec will provide the music during the exhibition opening.


Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 18.06.22, 11:36 o 'clock