An Evening in Naiven: Jukebox

Naivní divadlo Liberec,příspěvková ...

32 Moskevská

A theatre concert on the occasion of a culpably missed jubilee

We are celebrating the anniversary of the invention of the jukebox! Simply choose a song, press the right-hand lever on the mechanical jukebox and the SOK band gets going! There are hits and only hits on the playlist, a mixture of genres from the 1960's up to today. Pop, rock, country, punk, R&B, folk music. For dancing, listening and watching. Everyone can choose! The NDL theatre ensemble used the closure due to the pandemic in spring 2021 to re-start the theatre band. Under the direction of Míra Ošanka, SOK – Skoro opravdická kapela (Almost-Real Band) was born! In a huge theatre-jukebox the audience selects the individual songs themselves. In addition, each song is accompanied by a live "clip". The selection of songs is limited, but the band's accomplishments know no limits.


Aktualisiert am 10.05.22, 17:42 o 'clock